Tamil Superstar Rajinikanth has said that late Kannada actor Dr. Vishnuvardhan, who died of heart attack in Mysore on 30th December 2009, was the source of inspiration for him to act in tamil films. He says that he still can not believe that Vishnu is dead.
The Tamil actor visited Vishnu’s wife Bharathi at her Jayanagar residence in Bangalore to offer his condolences on Wednesday (January 06). Later speaking to the media, Rajini recalled his close association with Vishnu. He said, "My friendship with Vishnu was 32-years old and it can't be explained in words how I enjoyed those moments with him. Now, I'm still struggling to digest his death news."
The Tamil actor visited Vishnu’s wife Bharathi at her Jayanagar residence in Bangalore to offer his condolences on Wednesday (January 06). Later speaking to the media, Rajini recalled his close association with Vishnu. He said, "My friendship with Vishnu was 32-years old and it can't be explained in words how I enjoyed those moments with him. Now, I'm still struggling to digest his death news."
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